Reflections on Holy Communion

Healing by the Pool at Bethesda

Healing by the Pool at Bethesda

Here at the Lord’s table, we celebrate the victory won by Jesus, to free us from the crippling effects of our slavery to sin.Jesus took the penalty of our sin upon himself, when on the cross he suffered the death due to us. This meal was commanded by Jesus at the time...

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Wedding in Cana

Wedding in Cana

In John’s gospel there are seven miracles he called signs, because they point to something far greater than the miraculous event. The first sign was at a wedding in Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine.While that miracle showed the deep compassion of Jesus for the...

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After Christmas

After Christmas

In the two weeks before Christmas, I learnt of two people who had died as a result of work accidents.It was a sobering reminder as we celebrate Christmas, that Jesus came into a world of pain and suffering, and that suffering is still with us. In Genesis chapter 3 we...

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God Revealed Through Creation

God Revealed Through Creation

In Romans 1:20, Paul states that, “since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made.”What are the aspects of our world that point us to God and show his divine nature? I immediately think of a...

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Two Aspects of Freedom

Two Aspects of Freedom

To a person who doesn’t understand, Christian faith may seem like a lack of freedom, of being restricted by commandments that stop us doing things.But in John 8:36, Jesus promised, “if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed”. When we think of freedom, it’s...

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Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare

As I get older, I find what I used to see as remote history now seems very recent.  The year 1898 may sound ancient, but it was only little more than 50 years before I was born, about 2/3 of my lifetime — a very short time! In June of that year, Captain Pedro Andurra...

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Second Law of Thermodynamics

Second Law of Thermodynamics

Provable scientific theories are eventually changed or discarded over time, but Albert Einstein said he was confident there was one theory that would never be discarded — the Theory of Thermodynamics. Its second law is most interesting.  It states that, for any...

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Enough Understanding for the Day

Enough Understanding for the Day

When I was first invited to lead in Communion and reflect on the meaning of the Lord’s Supper, I did some homework; I borrowed, from the old Evangelical Library, a very large book with explanations from each denomination of their different approaches to Communion, and...

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First Commandment

First Commandment

When I heard our recent sermon on why are there so many denominations, I was reminded of how it is a miracle that we have been given the bible — that people were led by God to largely agree on the set of books and source documents, because any man-made construction...

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