From the bible

Discover what answers you may be given

1.  The Bible

2.  About God

3.  Jesus

4.  The Holy Spirit

5.  Creation and Humanity

6.  Sin and Salvation

7.  Prayer

8.  The Law and Grace

9.  The Church

10.  Faith

11.  Our Response

12.  The Future

1.  The Bible

2.  About God

3.  Jesus

4.  The Holy Spirit

5.  Creation and Humanity

6.  Sin and Salvation

7.  Prayer

8.  The Law and Grace

9.  The Church

10.  Faith

11.  Our Response

12.  The Future

We have a wonderful heritage.
People long ago, who faced the hardships of this life without our modern medical science, grappled with the same ultimate questions of life that we face.

Instead of asking “How?”, they asked “Why?”

They recorded what they were given, and their experience of God’s intervention in this world, for us in the Bible.

Our faith will be able to grow as we come to understand what is revealed through the bible, but knowledge for its own sake is not the aim.

The human mind cannot capture the infinite, so the bible provides us with what we need to know, not all we may wish to know.

Speculation away from what is given may lead us into barren lands.  The bible guides us into the topics that are important and fruitful for life.



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