New Geometries

By: jdcharles63
Date: 22/12/2019

The wonderful events we celebrate at Christmas, we also celebrate every week at this table.  That Jesus, although almighty God, came in human form as a helpless babe to live amongst us.  And on the cross, he took upon himself the death that was the penalty for our sin, to win our forgiveness, as a free and undeserved gift, simply through faith in Him.

It’s sad that some people reject this good news as contrary to human logic, but an example from geometry may help.

 Most of you will remember learning in high school about parallel lines.  In Euclidean geometry these are lines, like the rows of mortar between the bricks in a wall, that continue in the same direction and stay the same distance apart forever, they never meet and never end.  Using our knowledge about these imaginary lines, we were sent out of the class to measure the height of the taller school buildings.  We were so proud of that, we thought nothing was beyond us.  Unfortunately, those lines are the way we have been taught to think about both space and time.

Six years later I studied a topic called ‘The New Geometries’.  That was 50 years ago, it’s no longer so new, and it’s now called Elliptical geometry.  It looks at what happens if we assume those parallel lines all meet at a point so distant it can’t be measured, called infinity, and include that point of infinity in the same working space as our parallel lines.

Human eyes cannot picture things on this scale, and when you draw them all together on the same page it doesn’t look right.  But by accepting that our limited human vision doesn’t work on the large scale, we were able to solve problems that were impossible using our old high school geometry.  And this new geometry is far more realistic; it’s used in the GPS navigation in your car and on your mobile phone, so we rely on it.

That’s exactly like the choice we face in Jesus; whether we are willing to not rely on our limited human vision, but accept through faith that our infinitely great God has come as Jesus into the small page of our lives, and that relying on all he has revealed and done for us is the only realistic solution to life’s fundamental problems.

 Trusting in Jesus changes everything.

As he said in Revelation 21:6 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.  To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life.”

 Jesus invites you to this meal, all you need is a willingness to accept his infinitely great presence into the very small page of your life.


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