Where is God in the Pain and Suffering?

By: jdcharles63
Date: 18/02/2024
Category: Life Questions


Many years ago, as a young man in a new church, I was in a group that was invited to offer consolation to a young mother.  She was looking for answers to why her baby, less than a year old, had just died.

I listened to what the older, established members said, and I was left wanting answers too.  I heard well-meant platitudes and church jargon that didn’t provide any answers at all.

There are many examples we could share on this question.  I recently heard an audio version of the book by C S Lewis, “The Problem of Pain”, which explores this in depth, but I can’t think of anything he said that would have helped that young mother.


If God is almighty, then how can He be good to allow such suffering?  And if He is good, but the problem of suffering is beyond Him, then how can He be all-powerful God?


Link to: Communion reflection on Covid disaster


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